Tag Archives: world’s greatest hotted dog

Hotdogs And Delusions

I’ve recently been working on translating a number of Birthday Street comics into short animations. You can see all of them on the animation page of my site. Here are a pair that feature The World’s Greatest Hotdog.

The character that would become known as “The World’s Greatest Hotdog” was created by Matt Sutter (in a comic with a goofy hyphenation in its title). The “WGHD”, as I sometimes shorten it, is probably the greatest achievement of Birthday Street comic characters. Good natured, helpful, energetic, surprising, silly, and a little bit cool. Like a breakfast cereal mascot you wish was your friend. Enjoy my animated version of Matt’s comic featuring the voice talent of fellow Birthday Street creator Kevin Cornell.
Quincy is a nervous wreck, even before a chance encounter with The World’s Greatest Hotdog. Enjoy this animation (featuring my voice acting talents) based on a Birthday Street comic created by Kevin Cornell. If you’re interested in more hilarious content like this, check out the unabridged book.

The World’s Greatest Hotted Dog


The World’s Greatest Hotted Dog is one of my favorite Birthday Street characters. He was created by Matt Sutter as a part of our collaborative comic endeavor with Kevin Cornell. Kevin is in the process of reposting colorized versions of all of the Birthday Street stuff and I’ve been hit with a wave of nostalgia as I page through them.

It took a little while for this little hot dog to show up in the series. In fact it wasn’t until the 148 comic! You can see here what makes him so great:
To me he’s sort of like the cartoon mascot in a commercial for cereal. He’s sassy, surprising, good natured, and a pretty cool dude. Somebody you wish was your best friend. I never attempted my own comics featuring the W.G.H.D. Probably because it’s intimidating to create one with a character that doesn’t speak. Since Birthday Street’s goal was to be a humor site, creating visual gags didn’t play to my strengths. Matt and Kevin did such an excellent job with this character and I enjoyed his every appearance.